Helpful articles on specific topics you’ll want to know more about as you pursue your career goals.
Career Management & Leadership Development Blog
Navigating Retirement: Planning Your Next Chapter with Purpose
Retirement isn’t an end, it’s another stage in your life. You decide the best strategy for you!
New Year, New You: Take Control of Your Career
Take control of your career in 2025, instead of letting your career take control of you.
Problems and Solutions: The Power to Make a Choice
We tend to view career challenges as problems, when the focus needs to shift to solutions and the power of choice.
The Connection Between Work and Money
There's no escaping talk about money when it comes to your career. But, what about that self-talk? Read on to learn more about the connection.
Time to Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable
Our ability and willingness as professionals to embrace unfamiliar, challenging, or uncertain situations can bring valuable opportunities for growth and learning.
Boundaries: How to Set Them, How to Keep Them
Boundaries don’t exist just for others to abide by; you need to actively do so too. That part is up to you and figuring it out requires knowing your priorities.
That’s a Really Great Story!
When it comes to managing your career, clear, powerful and interesting storytelling is essential!
Networking with Confidence: A Video Case-in-Point!
Listen to Kristen and Jeremy Hill discuss Networkig with Confidence!
The Only Thing We Have to Fear is… Networking???
Networking accounts for 70-80% of all successful job moves.
And so, because it is such an important component of having a successful and fulfilling career, the challenge isn’t to necessarily overcome one’s fear of networking, but instead to change their relationship with it and step outside their comfort zone!
The Power of a Wave, How We Experience It, and Why it Relates to Career Management
Waves are a perfect metaphor for change of all types – including career changes and evolutions.
Career “Events” and Resiliency
Careers span anywhere from 10 years to 50 years, maybe even more; challenges arise requiring real resiliency, strength and courage from within.
“What if?” - Overcoming the “What’s Next” Challenge
Answer “What if…?” and gain clarity on what you REALLY want!
The Power of Networking | It’s Not What You Know. It’s…
Is it what you know? Who you know? Why not BOTH??
Diversify Your Job Search for Greater Success
Diversification. It’s not just for money management!
Your “Brand” New Career Path
Branding isn’t just about Starbucks vs. Dunkins. It goes far beyond consumer products to your professional reputation!