Career Management Focused Power Session
Expert assistance on the tactics you need to make your next career goal a reality!
You are a professional who:
Knows what you want.
Is successful in your field.
Has the experience and skills to excel.
…and just needs some expert assistance to achieve that "next thing!"
Many of my clients focused on pro-actively managing their careers are seeking clarity on WHAT they want, WHY, and HOW to achieve it.
However, sometimes your need is much simpler than that.
YOUR need is all about the “HOW!”
With this 90-minute session, you will focus on 1-2 tactics critical to achieving your next career goal.
You can choose from topics like:
All-Star LinkedIn profile consult
Resume review and consult
Diversified Job Search strategy plan
Networking Strategy deep dive / plan
Interview Preparation / Mock Interviewing
Offer Negotiation strategy or consult
Professional “Brand” clarity and plan
Focused Power Session Details:
90-minute session
Session cost: $350
Built to address the “HOW”- tactical career topics
15% discount on future one-on-one or group coaching programs with me
If all that sounds good…
then this focused and productive power coaching experience is for YOU!
Have additional questions or want to learn more about the Focused Power Session?
Schedule a 30-minute chat & connect with me!